Unique Jewish Money Practice You May Never Heard Of

My takeaways from the book “Secrets Jews of Money”

Olivia Marlene
3 min readMar 19, 2021

I’m constantly looking for unpopular books on money management to gather unique money practices. Last night I stumbled upon this new book by Aaron Abramsky. It came free with my Scribd subscription.

It’s a 90-page book, and I finished reading it in one sitting. The information stated surprised me such that I even verified some of it.

According to the book, Jews make up only 1% of the world’s population, but in the list of world millionaires, we can find many Jewish names. Some of the richest Jews are Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook; and Larry Page, the co-founder of Google.

With that information, I got intrigued with the money secrets of the Jews a little more. I flipped page after page and these remained with me:

An unforgettable anecdote in the story

I am writing this from my memory. This story is something that I won’t forget in this book:

During the Great Depression, rice has become the number one food for families in New York City because it is cheap. Many business owners ventured into the rice market, resulting in lower prices and competition to get the most customers. The Jews got interested in the business and ended up as the number one for selling rice for the lowest price. They made the customers comfortable by selling a plastic bag for every kilo…



Olivia Marlene

A law abiding non-conformist. A lawyer by profession, a mom by nature. Her hobby is to challenge the norm. Reach her at: missoliviamarlene@gmail.com