I'm Developing An Obsession With Medium

What will I do about it?

Olivia Marlene
5 min readNov 24, 2020
Photo by Felix Dubois-Robert on Unsplash

I deleted the Facebook app on my phone for 2 weeks now and I haven’t missed it a bit. I should have congratulated myself but no, thanks. Because I am battling another addiction or may I say obsession — reading stories on Medium.

I usually promise to read 1 story for the 5-minute break given by the Pomodoro technique. But what usually happens is it extends to 30 minutes. It's eating the entire 25 minutes that I am supposed to do the tasks I have in hand.

I can’t help it. Medium has a lot of content to offer. I can’t get enough of the productivity hacks and the book recommendations. Add to that the writing techniques, true crime stories, and even recipes!

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Aside from learning to use Grammarly, Hemingway editor, headline analyzers, and amassing so many many productivity hacks that I get to choose which personally, the skills that I’m gaining from Medium are now sending ripples to people surrounding me.

True Stories of Benefits:

I was able to write a story with a marketing tone



Olivia Marlene

A law abiding non-conformist. A lawyer by profession, a mom by nature. Her hobby is to challenge the norm. Reach her at: missoliviamarlene@gmail.com